5 Luxury Kitchen Design Tips

When choosing the right luxury home plan, many potential homeowners often get caught up in the details of the kitchen. Do I have to have a separate breakfast corner? How much space is needed for storage? Does it include island work surfaces? Will there be a niche? The kitchen is often the center of your family’s daily activities, so every detail must meet your needs and design aesthetics. When you start planning your custom luxury home, here are 4 things to keep in mind when designing your kitchen chelmsford:

1. Use a mixture of surfactants

In a large luxury kitchen, a space dominated by granite slabs or marble countertops can make the room cold and bumpy. Perhaps one of the most used rooms in your home, shouldn’t your kitchen feel warm and welcoming? Why not take a different approach to luxury kitchen design and use a variety of work surface materials in addition to regular marble, including travertine, ceylon or even wood. For example, on an island, you can choose a wooden surface that is more reminiscent of a traditional kitchen table and less reminiscent of a counter space.

2. Hide the device

Nothing interferes with the design of your luxury kitchen as a set of appliances that fills your work surface. When designing your luxury kitchen, make sure you have enough space to store your kitchen utensils! For a large and spacious kitchen, you can choose a large pantry with built-in shelves or a storage cabinet with an internal work surface. You can also incorporate larger appliances, such as refrigerators and dishwashers, into the design to blend in with the rest of the cabinet design. If done correctly, the panel should hide the device so well that you will not be able to detect that it is there.

3. Get the right lighting

Terrible lighting can effectively destroy any imaginary kitchen, no matter how efficient the rest of the design. Many homeowners choose functional lighting that tries to illuminate an entire room at once, but this type of lighting alone is not particularly suitable for making it “modern” in your kitchen. Lighting is like fashion – you have to mix and match different styles to create a look that suits you. Why not try a variety of recessed lamps above the counter and sinks, a stylish ceiling lamp on the island and decorative pendant lamps that add color, style and light to the corners of your kitchen.

4. Don’t be afraid to add color and pattern

While white kitchens seem to radiate luxury, there is no rule that a luxurious kitchen simply does not have vibrant colors and patterns. A bright red wall with white cabinets can liven up a room and become the centerpiece of your kitchen. The textured blue backboard above the stove gives your luxurious kitchen a Mediterranean touch, and the colors of the gemstones can really appear on a dark work surface.

5. Add an island

The good old days of the kitchen peninsula are over! When designing your luxury kitchen, choose the largest island that can have space (maybe even two!). As a lounge area for a self-service buffet or a quick breakfast for the family. Kitchen chelmsford islands work well in U- and L-shaped kitchens because they reduce the space between the counters and prevent children and guests from being disturbed!

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